Saturday, January 31, 2009

Introduction to Nightscream

1. A shark. Because I can travel the Earth's oceans and don't even have to buy a boat.
2. My TV, Nintendo DS, DVD player, CD player, and Nintendo Game Cube.
3. I'm a listener cause I could never speak so well.
4. None. Because, I have no favorite book.
5. I lead for if no one dosen't say anything I'll have to start the party.
6. I have no iPod or MP3 player so no songs.
7. Friendship, I enjoy making new friends. Order, I can't keep a team together without losing my mind.
8. I turn in the $1000 to the police so it can be returned to the right own.
9. Madagascar the first one. It had some funny scenes with the penguins.
10. "There are no problems you can not solve, only problems you have not solve yet!" It was flint the fly a character on Power Rangers Jungle Fury.